
How do we manage the quality of our fabric treatment process?

  • Routinely, a sample piece of a treated fabric is extracted and sent to a US lab (Internationally Recognised) and a Singapore Accredited Laboratory for Biological Testing on selected bacteria strains
  • According to the test method ASTM E2149-10, the sample fabric is placed inside a flask filled with bacterial solution
  • By shaking the flask continuously for 1-24hrs (simulating how our clothes actually kill the bacteria build up on our skin flora), the result is a bacterial reduction efficacy of 70-99.99% .
  • The same test is repeated again twice, after the sample fabric is washed (after 10 times and after 20 times)
  • The desired efficacy after repeated launderings should still achieve more than 70% to qualify as a good treatment process
  • In addition, the treated fabric is also checked for uniformity in antimicrobial performance

Extensive toxicology tests were done; see below some of the key areas where testing has been carried out on-

  • Oral Toxicology
  • Eye Contact
  • Eye Irritation
  • Skin Irritation
  • Skin Absorption
  • Dermal Toxicity
  • Skin Contact
  • 3-week vaginal irritation study
  • 32-day human wear test with treated socks
  • 3-month human wear test with athletic socks
  • Inhalation
  • Mutagenicity
  • Environmental

With the tests results achieved, the antimicrobial technology has successfully earned numerous safety and performance certification, accreditation with international standards and governmental regulatory agencies:

Here’s a list of some of the international accreditations and approved registration by the antimicrobial technology

–       US EPA No. 64881-1

–       US FDA 510 (k)

–       Canada PMRA: No. 15133

–       Japan SEK Approval

–       Oeko-Tex Standard 100

–       European EINECS 248-595-9

–       China FDA CMAU1052/ No.97256

Fabric Hygiene

Unless specially treated, no clothes can kill germs! We can change the way you live by putting this uniquely durable layer of antimicrobe shield onto your fabrics to keep you protected from harmful microorganisms thru days and nights!
A-GUARD® Fabric Hygiene™ renders you unparalleled hygiene standards because your personal hygiene protection is our highest priority.
